Subdivision of land to create two or more lots. We assist in Applications, Site plans, Subdivision and Servicing.
Subdivision of land to create two or more lots.
When considering subdividing by this method there are factors that need to be considered.
The Western Australian Planning Commission when assessing the development can take into account site factors that may allow you to subdivide the property if you are below the minimums. The Western Australian Planning Commission has provided a guide on lot design that may be useful. Read the Development Control Policy 2.2 Residential Subdivision.
The lot created needs to have its own independent services and connected to the main system. The services that are available to your lot can be viewed by visiting the DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG WEBSITE. This will provide information on the location of the existing services surrounding the lot.
When creating a Green Title Lot the Water Corporation will require an Infrastructure Contribution to utilise their services. Water Corporation Land servicing fees can be found on their website. There would also be a requirement to install these services which can be undertaken by an authorised plumber.
When doing a subdivision the existing supply must be converted to underground. Depending on the existing services or the current supply to your lot the prices vary. To determine fees for installing an underground pillar please viisit Western Powers Website here.
When subdividing land the process and costs vary between each local council. When considering a subdivision contacting the local council will provide answers on costs and what needs to be provided.
Other Government Agencies
During the subdivision process other Government Agencies may put conditions on the subdivision. These conditions may involve other costs and services depending on the government agency. These requirements to satisfy the subdivision would be attended to after the approval. Model Subdivision Conditions provided by the Western Australian Planning Commission provide guidance to the possible conditions imposed by the government agencies. The list is a guide only and may not apply to your subdivision.
The application to the Western Australian Planning Commission for subdivision needs to have the necessary information for it to be accepted. The applications can be completed by us via the online lodgement.
What is required to lodge an application?
- Site plan showing the existing services and the proposed subdivision lay out.
- Completed application form.
- Current copy of certificate of title.
- Subdivision Fee.
The application fee for a subdivision is charged per lot. The application fee is considerable and is non-refundable so should be handled by a professional. Subdivision forms and fees
The Western Australian Planning Commission after ninety days will provide a report on the outcome of the application. The application lodged at the Western Australian Planning Commission must comply with all government policies and legislation to receive an approval.
The approval will outline the conditions of subdivision that must be fulfilled before the subdivision can be completed and titles issued. Servicing requirements are handled by making an application to the agencies. They will then outline the fees required and the jobs that are required to satisfy their department.
At an appropriate time of the subdivision our Licensed Surveys will undertake the required survey in the field to complete your subdivision.
Our work requires us to do the following.
- Search the old survey records at Landgate Find the survey marks along the streets to determine the correct position of the boundaries. These marks are generally at the intersections of the roads and are buried monuments. These marks are then compared to the original surveys to determine the location of your block.
- Update the records of marks found and lodge a field record at Landgate
- Survey your boundaries and determine if there are any issues with existing fences.
- Prepare a subdivision plan, electronic data files and reports to lodge at Landgate.
- Lodge the plan at Landgate for auditing.
- On completion of the auditing it is then sent back to the Western Australian Planning Commission for endorsement
The lodgement fees are available at the Landgate website.
On completion of the survey and complying with the conditions of the subdivision the surveyor is required to request subdivision clearance.
Before we can submit clearance request there must be evidence that the conditions have been complied with. The proof of subdivision clearance is specific to each government agency and is outlined when you have made the application to connect to the services.
Once the clearances are obtained they are then sent back to the Western Australian Planning Commission by the surveyor. The lodgement fees need to be paid for with the application for subdivision clearance. The Western Australian Planning Commission will then endorse the plan.
Once the plan is approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission and sent back to Landgate for dealing. The plan can then be registered and titles produced. This can be completed by a Solicitor or Settlement Agent or by the owner.
Subdivisions can be a complex or simple process depending on the services available and the site location. Please contact us to prepare a quote to outline the specifics of your next subdivision.
For more information about our services or to arrange a quote, contact or phone 0400 781 694